esmaspäev, 18. mai 2009

Eesti kurjategijad anno 1988 Kohtla Järvelt

tähelepanu K-Rakennus suusamütsile ja püstol Makarovile

Postimees: Allilmajõugud 20. a hiljem tapetud või vangis

1 kommentaar:

WZA ütles ...

Ai is crap, made a sim started a cooking career... so was making this house and every time HE ALLWAYS BURN DOWN THE HOUSE by making dinner TO MAKE MONEY O.o My sim makes insurance frauds every time i leave him alone... burns down the house +900$$, floods it 3000$$, wakes up at night opens the door and lets robbers in that sake his hand and take his TV +4000$$ , then he was abducted by aliens, came back pregnant, born a alien baby that ATE MY SIM, then this alien baby called his Ufo ship buddies, burned down the house, took the paper boy with them and fly off in the space ship...... I MEAN WTF O.o thats the MOST FUCKING TRIPPING GAME